About us

Baidu-the world's largest Chinese search engine and largest Chinese website, the world's leading artificial intelligence company. Founded in Zhongguancun on January 1, 2000, the company's founder, Li Yanhong, holds a "hyperchain analysis" technology patent, making China one of only four countries in the world with independent search engine core technology outside the United States, Russia, and South Korea. . Based on many years of layout and long-term accumulation of artificial intelligence, Baidu leads the world in the field of deep learning, and was named one of the four global AI giants by Fortune Magazine in 2016.
Every day, Baidu responds to billions of search requests from more than a hundred countries and regions, and is the main entry point for Internet users to obtain Chinese information. Baidu takes the mission of "using technology to make the complex world simpler", and constantly adheres to technological innovation, and is committed to providing products and services that better understand users. Baidu's mobile applications have over 1.1 billion monthly active devices.
Baidu believes in technology, and insists on long-term continuous investment in technology research and development, and talent introduction. According to statistics from the China Patent Protection Association in 2018, Baidu became the leader in artificial intelligence patents in China with 2,368 applications.
Under the strategic guidance of “consolidating the foundation of mobile and winning the AI ??era”, Baidu ’s mobile ecosystem is more prosperous and powerful, AI is accelerating industrial intelligence, and the AI ??ecosystem is constantly expanding and improving.
Thanks to AI driving, Baidu Mobile has formed a "one super, many strong" product matrix, and built a mobile ecosystem centered on "Baijiahao" and "smart applets". In March 2019, Baidu App's daily active users reached 174 million, a year-on-year increase of 28%; Good-looking video daily active users reached 22 million, a year-on-year increase of 768%; Baidu App and short video information stream total user duration increased by 83% year-on-year; 100 The number of content creators reached 2.1 million; the number of monthly active users of smart applets reached 181 million, an increase of 23% from the previous quarter.
As an important part of the AI ??ecosystem, Baidu already has two open ecosystems: the Apollo open platform for autonomous driving and the DuerOS conversational artificial intelligence operating system. As of January 2019, Apollo has iterated to version 3.5 with over 135 partners. At present, Baidu has obtained more than 50 intelligent connected car road test licenses, which is far ahead in China. In the field of conversational artificial intelligence, Xiaodu Assistant continues to lead in China. As of March 2019, the number of smart devices equipped with small assistants reached 275 million, an increase of 279% year-on-year; the number of voice interactions in March reached 2.37 billion, an increase of 817% year-on-year. According to reports issued by authoritative organizations such as IDC, Canalys, Strategy Analytics, etc., the shipment volume of small smart speakers in the first quarter of 2019 ranked first in the domestic market and third in the world.

About us


Contact: yingzi

Phone: 18688888888

Tel: 400-888-8888

Add: Kaifeng in henan province

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